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The Culture Factor Canada

Organizational culture is often the key to the long-term sustainability of an organization

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Organizational culture is often a key for the long-term sustainability of an organization. It is the set of key values, assumptions, understandings, and norms that are shared by members of an organization. Culture forms the personality of an organization and works to unite all employees in their individual efforts to achieve collective goals.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

- Peter Drucker

Over the years, we have developed and refined our methodology for culture change, using highly engaging and rigorous means to assess and measure organizational culture to help leaders use it as a successful lever of change.
Our team uses an evidence-based approach to quantify aspects of organizational culture that are proven to be linked to performance outcomes. We leverage internal dialogue, collaboration, and empirically validated culture assessments to quantify what have, until now, been the murky aspects of organizational performance. We provide hard data to measure, support, and sustain our culture work so clients can understand how it impacts their people and performance.
The Culture Factor Canada (Previously Hofstede Insights Canada) offers a full range of the services in the areas of Organizational Culture and Intercultural management, including:


  • Consulting Services 
  • Training
  • Tools & Resources
  • Intercultural Awareness
  • Intercultural Leadership
Our Intercultural Services

“Culture is the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes one group from another”

– Prof. Geert Hofstede.  

We see culture as a challenge and an enabler to organizations wishing to operate and optimize in our highly interconnected world.  Current workforce and workplace seismic shifts have accelerated this need, particularly in relation to different communication styles, approaches to completing tasks, attitudes toward conflict and decision-making styles.  Culture is a group phenomenon; it is learned and affects the way we think and act.  Culture also has layers, which when accurately identified, understood, and planned for are significant enablers.  

The Culture Compass
The Culture Compass is an analytical tool providing key insights into the consequences of culture.

Get tailored feedback about your professional capacity and your personal preferences based on the 6-D Model of National Culture.

The Culture Compass will provide you with personalised cultural guidance to: 


  • Discover the reasons behind the behaviour you are likely to encounter
  • Understand the impact of your own cultural value preferences
  • Anticipate potential behavioural pitfalls while working with others


Cultural Adaptability Profile (CAP)

Designed by experts in global mobility, the Cultural Adaptability Profile is a scientifically validated assessment that maximises the chance of being successful while engaged in international business.

By combining the information from the Cultural Adaptability Profile (CAP) with the expertise of our CAP certified consultants, we can precisely identify areas of improvement to achieve better cultural adaptability and help to drive increased results.


The Cultural Adaptability Profile (CAP) is an assessment that predicts how a person will react and cope in an unfamiliar situation, whether in-country, remotely, or recruiting international talent. 

Our Organizational Culture Consulting

Organizational Culture is the way in which the members of an organization relate to each other, their work, and the outside world. Your organizational culture can either enable or hinder your strategy. Our methodology is a systematic approach to aligning corporate culture around defined corporate values. 
This approach identifies and provides the tools necessary to influence the collective. It is aimed at engaging managers and leaders to take cultural ownership. The Multi-Focus ModelTM (MFM) on Organisational Culture is a strategic tool aimed at helping organizations to have a functional culture. We employ an effective 5 step consulting process based on the MFM.

The utilization of this world-class Model by a certified practitioner will bring a new and academically sound language to the change effort and will help enable sustainable change.  The MFM of Organizational Culture is comprised, at a high level, of the following dimensions:  
i. goal-oriented vs. means-oriented
ii.    internally driven vs. externally directed
iii.    easygoing work vs. strict discipline
iv.    local conformity vs. global diversity
v.    open culture vs. closed culture
vi.    employee-oriented vs. work-oriented

With the MFM approach, we are able to look at culture across the whole organization, and by sub-culture.  

Organizational Culture Scan (OCS)
Recognize the strengths in the diversity of your workforce. Used by some of the world’s largest organizations, the Organizational Culture Scan is a strategic tool that can accurately measure the Actual Culture of your organization, providing input to set your optimal culture and precisely define your change priorities. 
The Organizational Culture Scan will also provide precise data on: 

  • Acceptance of leadership style.

  • Employee identification with the organization.

  • How employees relate to each other, their work, and the outside world.

  • Organizational change readiness.

  • Gaps between your actual and optimal culture, including information on the cause behind the gaps.

  • Data on strength vs. weakness, common characteristics, and early warning signals.

  • Practical and actionable input for change.

  • Prioritisation of change actions.


Executive Match Solution

A solution based on evaluating leadership behaviour, not from a skills point of view or from specific competency evaluation, but from the point of view that leaders´ behaviour is an extremely powerful tool to show the way to the rest of the organisation. 

The benchmark for the evaluation is the optimal culture set by a management team, which is derived from the strategy of the organisation.  It is all about aligning the different elements which make an organisation function well.  This tool also provides additional opportunities in organizational culture development, which can be discussed further outside the scope of this RFP.  

The Executive Match assessment provides insights into the degree to which a leader’s behaviours either enable or hinder the realisation of the optimal culture within a leadership team. The analysis provides concrete insights on:

●    “Walking the talk”

●    Opportunities for improvement

●    Self-image reliability

●    Divergences between peers/subordinates and self-evaluation

●    Comparisons from self-assessment to the external view

Our Experts in The Canada

Alex Gallacher

Alex is defined by his energy, experience, agility, and pragmatism in diagnosing, planning, and most importantly, executing client solutions forward. He takes pride in delivering timely, meaningful outcomes that resonate with Boards, C-suite Executives, Managers, and Staff alike.

Alex made the course very engaging and that contributed substantially to my learning. He was able to put the things we were learning into context through his professional experience.

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