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The Culture Factor India

A high-growth market in a diverse country such as India requires highly contextualized solutions.  

With a deep understanding of the Indian business environment, The Culture Factor India brings to its Indian clients the global offerings of The Culture Factor Group, tailored to Indian business context. 

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Since its inception in 2020, The Culture Factor India (previously Hofstede Insights India) has successfully engaged with a variety of organizations across multiple sectors. These range from small startups to large Indian and multinational companies. The customer solutions included transforming company culture to bring in innovation, agility and alignment with changing strategic objectives, as well as building a boundaryless cross broader team, enhancing cross-cultural awareness, or fostering DEI.


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Our Organisational Culture Consulting 

With our powerful Culture Analytics, we cut through your organisation at 8 different cross sections, allowing you to gain a comprehensive understanding of various aspects, including

  • the level of organisational effectiveness,

  • customer orientation,

  • internal controls/work disciplines,

  • professionalism as a learning organisation,

  • communication within the organisation,

  • people vs. task orientation,

  • acceptance of leadership style,

  • and identification with the organisation.

Let us help you unlock the potential of your organisation by uncovering valuable insights about its culture.

Our Intercultural Services

We support our clients in harnessing the cultural diversity in their organisations. We provide our clients with a practical framework and a language to understand, manage and  effectively use the cultural richness of their organisation and customers.

Use of Culture Compass – a proprietary tool of The Culture Factor Group to measure individual bearing wrt. different national cultures. The tool provides comprehensive inputs not only about individual’s emotional tendencies,  it also provides insightful ques to help her/him change behaviours.


Workshop delivery is done by accredited partners of The Culture Factor Group. There are over 100 Associate Partners spread over 60 different countries. The Culture Factor is uniquely abled to draw facilitators from the most appropriate national culture for a target audience. 

Meet the managing director of The Culture Factor India

Akhilesh Mandal

“People side of Business is as critical and differentiating in determining the success or failure of a business, as the core business strategy itself” – has been the primary learning of Akhilesh in his diverse business experience. And the same learning became the driving force of his success in the last decade of his consulting services in building high-performance leaders and organisational culture.

An engineer by education followed by extensive business management training, Akhilesh is an ICF and TLC accredited Coach as much as he is certified in Intercultural Management and Organisation Culture by The Culture Factor Group (previously Hofstede Insights) and is now the managing director of  The Culture Factor India (previously Hofstede Insights India)

The analytics of our culture detailing our strengths and weaknesses, and facilitating a process to help us decide which areas we really needed to work on was very helpful. The data-driven, customer-in-the-loop approach not only gave us confidence to move forward, but it also shifted the ownership of change implementation to us.

CEO of an Indian IT Company

The cross-cultural awareness workshop was an eye opener. I think I know now why we failed to gain the trust of one of our customers.

Vice President of an Indian conglomerate

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