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The Culture CompassTM

Find your way across Cultures

An analytical tool providing key insights into the consequences of Culture.

Get tailored feedback about your professional capacity and your personal preferences based on the 6-D Model of National Culture after answering 42-questions. 

The Culture Compass will provide you with personalised cultural guidance to:

  • Discovering the reasons behind the behaviour you are likely to encounter

  • Understanding the impact of your own cultural value preferences

  • Anticipating potential behavioural pitfalls while working with others

  • 1-19 users, 42.90€ per user

  • 20-49 users, 38.90€ per user

  • 50-99 users, 33.90€ per user

  • 100+ users, 26.40 € per user

Would you like to offer The Culture Compass to all of your employees?

To get the Culture Compass for your organisation contact us at sales@theculturefactor.com.


Are you an Academic Institution?

Buy Culture Compass codes for your students at a discounted price via our partner: Order your codes via Careernomics.

About the report

In the 12 pages report you will find: 

One page per country, listing the three items with the largest differences to the country of interest scores (regardless of the dimension) - one page per country, three pages for three countries.

You will be asked to choose 1 to 3 out of the 6 roles available (subordinate, colleague, superior, negotiator, person transferring know-how, long-term visitor). The role that you choose impacts the results of the Culture Compass. 

The process

After purchasing the Culture Compass you will receive an email containing a link to your survey.

  • Fill in your personal details

  • Select your country of interest (you can select up to 3 countries)

  • Select your capacity/role

  • Fill in the survey, you will be asked to give your preferences regarding 42 pairs of questions on a five-point scale

  • You will receive your report by email

Languages / countries

The report is currently available in English, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese, Arabic (beta), French (beta), German, Ukrainian, Japanese.



For the following countries, there is no score available for the Indulgence Dimension:

Armenia, Bhutan, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Panama, Qatar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Surinam, Syria, United Arab Emirates.

Long Term Orientation:

For the following countries, there is no score available for the Long Term Orientation Dimension:

Bhutan, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Malawi, Panama, Qatar, Sierra Leone, Surinam, United Arab Emirates.

Why has my report not arrived?
  • You have used a code and the person who purchased it asked that you do not receive the report (please contact the person that bought the code for you)

  • The report was sent to your spam box (please check your spam)

  • An incorrect email address has been typed. To solve this issue, please contact support (support@theculturefactor.com) for help.

Terms and conditions

By taking the survey, you acknowledge that you will lose your right to seek a refund according to the Consumer protection directive 2011/83EC art16 a) or m).

If you have not used the code yet, a non-refundable administrative fee will be charged. 

Can you use the Culture Compass to measure Organisational Culture?

No. The Culture Compass is a tool to assess individual preferences at the level of national cultures. Organisational culture covers differences in practices among different organisations. National culture covers specifically differences in values among people born and raised in different societies.

If you are interested in reading more about Organisational Culture go to What you need to know about Organisational Culture.

Please note that some countries/regions do not have specific country scores or do not have scores for specific dimensions because the country/region was not included in a pertinent research project. In this case, information will not appear for the missing dimensions (see Languages / Countries for details).

Download the Demo report
We started using Culture Compass at ITESM Sinaloa for our students. Students love getting immediate personal feedback because it proves to them how understanding national culture is important, but also how their own personality, education and culture can show in comparison to their own culture and any other in which they might be interested in living.

Liliana Tello Segovia, ITESM, Mexico

Culture Compass has been transformative for me! One example, I wanted to delegate entirely to my colleagues (some of whom I have been working with for over 10-15 years) but I was not getting them to take ownership to the extent I wanted them to. It was later when I reflected on what I had learned that I realised there was a Culture component at play. I adjusted my way of working with them now and so far, all is going much better.

Anonymous, Culture Compass user

The questions can be answered really quickly and the amount of feedback and tips received is amazing.

Anonymous, Culture Compass user

After using this tool, many students feel more confident and secure about applying for exchange programs and living in different places of the world.

Anonymous, Culture Compass user

Contact us

Would you like to discuss this further? Or is this programme not what you were looking for? Do not hesitate to contact us.